Trusted Objects

Trusted Objects is an independent company founded by digital security experts. They specialise in cybersecurity technologies for embedded systems.

Trusted Objects and Crypto Quantique

Trusted Objects has developed to-protect family that enables augmented security at device level with a highly secure implementation of cryptography, connectivity, and key storage.

The solution targets embedded applications running on generic microcontrollers MCUs (Arm® Cortex®, ESP32, RISC V…), including those with limited computing and communication capabilities.

to-protect is also called software secure element, as it is a 100% software solution implementing secure element functionalities with advanced security features against logical and physical attacks at the nodes, including side channel attacks and fault injection.

to-protect is a root-of-trust that works seamlessly with Crypto Quantique’s QuarkLink platform to add secure provisioning, automated secure onboarding to on-premises or cloud platforms, security monitoring, and certificate and key renewal or revocation for customers and their end-users.

In addition, Trusted Objects has introduced the tops technology to simplify and secure the device production process with code secure programming and factory certificate secure generation and provisioning. tops also enables secure onboarding of unique device identities and cryptographic keys directly from factory to Crypto Quantique’s QuarkLink cloud platform.

Their vision is that security-by-design, end-to-end security, and life-cycle management are the key principles to build a better and safer connected world.

Trusted Objects offers a unique range of products and services, covering embedded security with secure software libraries for IoT security, software IP protection, secure manufacturing, cloud connectivity, and secure life-cycle management. Trusted Objects innovative security technologies are adapted to constrained embedded systems providing strong security, low power consumption, easy integration, scalability, and cost effectiveness.

Trusted Objects
tops plug&go

A set of services that brings security and efficiency at all stages of electronic devices manufacturing process.

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