OpenHW Group

The OpenHW Group is an industry group that provides open-source hardware intellectual property (IP) for creating customizable system-on-chips (SoCs) and other integrated circuits (ICs). The group aims to provide a low-cost, high-quality alternative to proprietary IP solutions, and to promote the use of open-source hardware in the industry. The group develops and maintains a number of open-source IP cores, including processor cores, peripherals, and other building blocks that can be used to create custom ICs. The OpenHW Group is a not-for-profit organization with a mission to promote and develop open-source hardware IP.

OpenHW Group and Crypto Quantique

Crypto Quantique is a member of the OpenHW Group, an industry group that provides open-source hardware intellectual property (IP) for creating customizable system-on-chips (SoCs) and other integrated circuits (ICs). As a member, Crypto Quantique has access to a wide range of open-source IP cores that can be used to create custom SoCs and other ICs, including processor cores, peripherals, and other building blocks. They can also receive technical support from the OpenHW Group, collaborate with other companies and organizations to develop new IP cores, and access the expertise of other companies and organizations in the industry. Joining the OpenHW Group can provide Crypto Quantique with access to a wide range of resources and support to help them to develop and use open-source hardware in their products and services.

Using OpenHW Group we hope that we can bolster these main areas:

  1. Provide enhanced security by design using QDID and QuarkLink: The OpenHW Group’s IP cores are designed with security in mind, which can help to prevent common security vulnerabilities and protect against attacks. QDID and QuarkLink can further improve these areas.
  2. OpenHW Group focuses on security to differentiate itself, providing regular security updates to new and existing IP cores, which can include security patches and other improvements to address new threats and vulnerabilities.
  3. Provide access to security expertise: Members of the OpenHW Group have access to the expertise of other companies and organizations in the industry, which can help them to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in security.
  4. Collaboration on security research: Members can collaborate with other companies and organizations to conduct research and development on new security technologies and techniques.

Overall, being a member of the OpenHW Group can provide companies and organizations with access to a wide range of resources and support to help them to improve the security of their products and services using open-source hardware.

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